Our year runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year: Memberships are as follows:
Single: $ 10.00
Family: $ 20.00
Lifetime: $100.00
Friends of the park will be notified of all coming events related to the Stone Lake Community Wetland Park, will receive the Newsletter via email or printed copy by mail, and will be kept
informed of the progress in the Buckthorn Eradication Project.
We are happy to report there are now 131 Lifetime Members and 79 Single or Family Memberhsips in our organization. This is very impressive for a small community like ours. THANK YOU SO
PARK ADDRESS: N5779 Division Avenue, Stone Lake, WI 54876
PARK EMAIL ADDRESS: tncmcd@aol.com
PARK WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.stonelakecommunitywetlandpark.com